Mental Health Perspectives: Movie “The Son”

A new movie recently came out called “The Son,” starring Hugh Jackman among other powerful actors. Now, I have to be honest- initially I wasn’t even going to see the film because it didn’t get stellar reviews and because I had no idea what it was even about. But low and behold, I was with my parents one evening and they wanted to watch it so we decided to put it on. And boy was I glad I watched it! What’s more, I highly recommend you watch this film with your family or close friends. Here are my thoughts on the movie’s family dynamics, portrayal of mental illness, and the overall poignant frustration that arises when the lines of communication are severed during trying times. If you haven’t seen the movie, please know that there may be some spoilers ahead- read on with caution!

"The Son," a thought-provoking film, delves into the complex world of mental health issues and explores how the dynamics within a family can significantly impact one's psychological well-being. The movie portrays a family struggling with their individual mental health challenges, highlighting the interplay between these issues and the family unit. At the heart of the story is the idea that the family’s recent divorce, exacerbated by the father’s new wife and baby, have torn apart the son who has always idolized his father. It is apparent that the son now feels abandoned, unwanted, replaced, and as if he doesn’t belong in either household. These feelings only worsen throughout the movie as he is labeled as a troubled child that causes confusion and discomfort in both sides of his family, and we see his place in either household become less stable as he cycles back and forth from mother to father, eventually shutting down completely. Through nuanced character development and powerful storytelling, "The Son" offers a compelling exploration of mental health struggles and the profound impact they can have on familial relationships.

"The Son" presents a poignant portrayal of mental health issues through its central characters. The film focuses on the protagonist's battle with depression, anxiety, and unresolved trauma stemming from the tragedy of divorce. The intense emotions and internal conflicts experienced by the character are depicted with raw authenticity, shedding light on the often silent and hidden nature of mental health struggles. I found this to be quite unique in this film and felt that they did a great job really bringing these emotions to life. The film underscores the importance of understanding and compassion when dealing with such challenges, highlighting the need for open communication within families, including the importance of creating safe spaces and nonjudgemental dialogue.

Family dynamics play a pivotal role in shaping the mental health issues portrayed in "The Son." The strained relationships and emotional distance within the family contribute to the protagonist's feelings of isolation and despair. The film explores how unaddressed conflicts, suppressed emotions, and unhealthy communication patterns can exacerbate mental health conditions- leading sometimes, as we see in the film, to manipulative behavior, deception, self harm, and even suicidal ideation. The son tries to open up, multiple times. The parents try to listen and understand, multiple times. He even meets with a therapist AND a psychiatrist, who both seem to disregard him as a human and ignore his thoughts and feelings during their treatment. Unfortunately there is never healthy, open, dynamic conversation, and healing does not begin to take place. And we see this cause frustration to build and build from all sides, eventually leading to a quiet catharsis in the painful decision that the son makes when choosing to take his own life.

"The Son" also delves into the concept of intergenerational trauma, demonstrating how unresolved psychological wounds can be passed down through generations. We see this only when the father visits his dad, played wonderfully by Anthony Hopkins, who portrays a character that is quite cold and emotionally abusive. While the father in the movie tries his best to be a better dad and emotionally connect to his son, we still see the struggles that he has to cross that bridge and to not echo the ingrained cold words of his own father. The film reveals how the protagonist's mental health struggles are deeply intertwined with his family's history, as he grapples with the repercussions of past traumas. This exploration emphasizes the need to break the cycle of generational trauma and seek professional help to address these deeply ingrained issues.

The film sheds light on the impact of mental health issues on the entire family. As the protagonist's condition worsens, his loved ones are forced to confront their own emotions and confront the reality of the situation. We see the inherent challenges faced by family members who are tasked with supporting and understanding someone battling mental health issues. It emphasizes the need for empathy, patience, and education within families to create an environment conducive to healing and recovery.

In the end, this movie presents a compelling exploration of mental health issues and the significant impact of family dynamics. Through its authentic portrayal of a family grappling with mental health challenges, the film emphasizes the importance of open communication, empathy, and understanding. It does a great job showing that mental health affects more than just the person directly suffering, and it stresses over and over again the importance of early and frequent communication, led by health professionals that you can actually trust. Some of the biggest obstacles include knowing how to have these conversations, understanding the root cause of trauma or of emotional damage, finding an adequate, competent, and compassionate provider to help see all parties through this journey, and having constant safe guards and check-ins to keep the progress in the right direction. By shedding light on the complexities of mental health struggles and the role of familial relationships, "The Son" prompts viewers to reflect on the importance of creating supportive environments and seeking professional help to address these delicate issues.


Mental Health Perspectives: Movie “Joe Bell”